As an architect firm that has been designing and remodeling homes in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee region for over 30 years, we always look forward to hearing about clients’ homes, or property, that may be haunted! And as the area overflows with beautiful old homes in particular along the lake, why wouldn’t some of them still be occupied by residents gone-by?
In addition, many of the shoreline properties were the summer grounds and burial grounds of the Washoe (Native American) tribes. In fact, history notes that their heritage within the High Sierra dates back over 90,000 years.
With Halloween around the corner, we thought it would certainly be appropriate to lend some insight to our fans about haunted homes – and what to do, or not to do, if your home is indeed ‘occupied’ by spirits unknown.
In a recent article posted by RIS Media, entitled Home Haunted? they shared some interesting insight that we are sending along to you right now.
“Among the more than 2,000 U.S. homeowners that were surveyed by®, 13 percent said they believe they live in a haunted house currently and, among them, more than half (56 percent) say they have not considered moving.
“Haunted houses typically draw big crowds this time of year, but we wanted to see how many people actually believe they live in one,” said Lexie Holbert,® housing and lifestyle expert. “Although only a small percentage of respondents indicated they believe their home is haunted, it was surprising to see how many are comfortable sharing their space with spirits.”
Another interesting takeaway from the survey is the fact that among the respondents who believe they currently live in a home that’s haunted, Northeasterners were the most comfortable living with spirits (76 percent), followed by those in the West (57 percent), the South (51 percent) and the Midwest (35 percent).”
What to do if your home is haunted?
Click into this link from It will take you to a page that will tell you all about their partnership with and exorcist who can rid your home of those spirits that share your space!
James P. Borelli
Borelli Architecture
Lake Tahoe / Truckee