Lake Tahoe North Shore

Over the years we have continued to keep you up to date on what is new and trending with regard to the environmental policies that come with building or remodeling a home in the Lake Tahoe Basin.  As one of the region’s more established architectural firms in Lake Tahoe and Truckee, Borelli Architecture has its pulse on any and all activities underway with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the counties that wrap the Tahoe Basin.

Just this week, the TRPA unveiled its priorities that have been approved and are a part of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Plan for 2022 and beyond.

Within the document on the website it highlights this significant program:

The Lake Tahoe Restoration Act of 2016 authorized up to $415 million over 7 years for the Environmental Improvement Program. The Act requires that the EIP maintain a priority list of projects for the program areas of Forest Health, Aquatic Invasive Species, Watershed Restoration, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, and Accountability.

Specifically, here are their top priorities:

Federal Fiscal Year 2022

Forest Health & Fire Protection $40,350,000 ~ Decrease the threat of catastrophic wildfire through forest fuels treatments and upgrades to water infrastructure

Aquatic Invasive Species $7,200,000 ~ Decrease the threat of catastrophic wildfire through forest fuels treatments and upgrades to water infrastructure

Watershed Restoration $48,368,000 ~ Improve water quality with innovative stormwater treatment projects and restoration of rivers and meadows. Transform communities through implementation of multiple-benefit projects

Lahontan Cutthroat Trout $7,720,000 ~ Continue to build a sustainable population of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in the basin through habitat restoration.

Accountability $2,300,000 ~ Continue to build out the LT INFO online public platform that tracks all EIP funding and accomplishments and incorporate EIP monitoring results

TOTAL $105,938,000

You can see the full report by following this link.

As we have noted before in many of our news reports, in addition to our architectural design services in Lake Tahoe, Carson City, and Truckee, we offer an extensive list of services to help our clients navigate through the intricate environmental policies and county building codes.   If you ever have any questions about the varied proeceures, please reach out to me at anytime.

Jim Borelli
Borelli Architecture
Lake Tahoe / Truckee

775 831 3060